For your organisation

We hope that you will enjoy watching our own Hearing Ambassador videos.


Hearing Well in Meetings

No one wants to unwittingly exclude the 1 in 6 of us who don’t hear so well. Here are 5 ideas from Hearing Ambassadors to make your meetings more hearing friendly.

Making the Most of Video Conferencing

Are chaotic video conferences driving you mad? Hearing Ambassadors have 10 insider’s tips to make your next call more fun and enjoyable.

‘Missing Out,’ by kind permission from  ‘Ideas for Ears’


Is your organisation hearing aware? This video tells you what people really think. You can find out other ways you can improve hearing access by visiting


5 Top Tips to help Your team communicate even when wearing a Face Mask, courtesy of ‘Hidden Hearing’


Follow this link to watch the video and to find out more about the Hidden Hearing ‘Please Speak Up’ Campaign. Hidden Hearing is also distributing free ‘Please Speak Up’ badges to members of the public so they can be better understood. For yours email them on