Hearing Ambassadors Presentations in the community

A Sound Solution for All Audiences

Embracing clear communication

Have you ever been in a crowded room for a club meeting or speaker event and had to strain to hear the presenter?  Have you ever decided not even to attempt to figure out what is being said because it’s just too frustrating?  As Hearing Ambassadors, we know the importance of clear communication, especially for people with reduced hearing. That’s why we like to use sound amplification at all of our talks even to relatively small groups.   In fact, our sound system made such a positive impression on the Market Rasen Rotary Club that they asked us for our recommendations.

Why amplification matters, even in small venues

Everybody knows that sound amplification is important for large venues, but they don’t always realise that a good microphone and amplifier can be a game-changer in smaller venues too.  Here’s why:

  • Better Focus and Engagement: When people can hear clearly, they’re more likely to stay focused and engaged with the speaker.
  • Improved Clarity: Even without hearing loss, background noise or poor acoustics can make it difficult for everyone to understand what is being said. Amplification ensures everyone gets the message.
  • Accessibility for All: Amplification creates a more inclusive environment for everyone, especially those with reduced hearing ability.
A talk for everyone, not just those in the front row!

Speakers often claim they can project their voice even in a large room.  This may be true for trained actors like Brian Blessed,  a giant of a man with a booming, operatic voice, but most of us need some help to speak to the very back of the room.

For those who say they don’t need a microphone, Hearing Ambassadors have some great ideas to help you to calm those nerves.

  • Before the Event, explain to the speaker that you want everyone to hear the message, not just those in the front row so you have a sound system to help them to get their message across loud and clear.
  • Make it Easy: Ensure the amplification system is fully charged, easy to use and readily available. Have someone on hand to assist the speaker if needed.
  • Just before the meeting, do a sound check and offer a brief guidance on microphone techniques.
  • During the meeting: For everyone to be on the same page, ask the speaker to repeat any questions from the group before answering. That way, people in the back can hear the question and the answer too!
Showcase your commitment to accessibility

With your new Sound System, you will be adding a professional touch to your events. Crisp audio demonstrates attention to detail and creates a more polished atmosphere.  Professional Speakers often prefer venues with good sound systems. Promoting yours can make you a more attractive option and help you secure top talent.

Make sure you use Sound System for every event so it becomes the norm, not simply a special accommodation. Showcasing your commitment to accessibility positions you as a thoughtful and caring organization.

The Verdict from Market Rasen Rotary Club?

This is what they said:

“Many thanks to your help and in particular to Tony Waldron for his suggestions.  We had a few meetings to discus the options and in the end we went for a Sound System which seems to do all that we wanted and also came with a couple of decent wireless mics included”

Want to know more?

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you would a member of our team to come to your organisation to give our talk about hearing accessibility for all which we call  “Hear Here”.

You can find out more about our talks on Speakernet



Cover Photo: Lady with pan on her head Photo by Intricate Explorer on Unsplash

Microphone: Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Lady giving a talk: Photo by Natasha Hall on Unsplash

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Hearing Ambassadors Sound Warriors

How loud is too loud for kids?

How loud?  How long?

Unwanted noise is one of the most common environmental problems that is experienced by almost everyone daily. Throughout human history, noise has been recognized as a nuisance and, in some cases, an environmental hazard.   To answer the question “How loud is too loud for kids”, we will start by looking at the regulations.

In Britain, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has clear guidelines for safe sound levels in the workplace.   Sound is measured in Decibels and the guidance states that if employees are exposed to 85 Decibels (or more) on average every working day, they are regarded as being at risk of what is known as noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).   The HSE state that all employees in this situation must be offered hearing protection.

That’s just the starting point. Now we need to know if 85 Decibels is a safe listening level for kids. Unfortunately, this is a bit more difficult than it sounds because the only regulations that we have are for adults in the workplace.    There are no regulations for the young ears of growing children.  To answer our question, we must delve a little deeper.   The guidance comes in two parts, loudness (decibels or dbA) and duration.

Duration is easy to measure, but how loud is 85 Decibels?  Well, it is about the noise level of a domestic food mixer.  If 85 Decibels is safe for adults, you might have thought that a few Decibels here or there wouldn’t make much of a difference. That is where you would be wrong.  For every 3 Decibels increase in sound, safe listening time halves.   In other words, if the noise increases from 85 to 88 Decibels (the sound of a hair dryer), the safe daily exposure reduces to 4 hours.  You can see the effects of loudness and duration on our Decibel Chart

So far, so good.

To test the amount of noise pollution that people might be exposed to on a normal day, we decided to measure sound levels on a typical commuter journey.   We chose London, but our experiment could have taken place in any town or city.   We used a free smartphone app to measure the sounds that we encountered.

Amazingly, we recorded levels of up to 97 Decibels on our 30-minute walk to the station.   This is 8 times louder than the 85 Decibels, HSE workplace guideline.  Our train journey also peaked at 97 Decibels.  In fact, by the time that we had arrived at our destination, we had used up all our daily safe exposure time and we still had a full working day ahead of us as well as the reverse journey home.   No wonder more and more people are noticing they have hearing loss!

Workplace versus Recreational noise

Noise is noise.   You can’t distinguish between workplace noise, environmental noise, and recreational noise.

It is an indisputable fact that prolonged exposure to loud noise has the potential to cause permanent irreversible damage to our hearing.  Take a typical concert or gig where noise levels are 110-120 Decibels.   If you are not wearing suitable hearing protection, safe listening time is just a matter of seconds.

Hearing Ambassadors believe that to gain the maximum benefit for lifelong good listening, people should start when they are young.  That’s why we set up our Sound Warriors project.

Sound Warriors logo for newsIn our quest to discover safe listening levels for kids, we found a fascinating article published by the World Health Organisation in 2018.  They reviewed all the available studies at that time and although it is a bit technical, it is incredibly helpful.


In the above article, The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommend that the best way of protecting under 18s would be to adopt not 85 but a 75 Decibel limit, some 8 times quieter than the adult limit.  They are concerned that recreational noise is much more difficult to control than occupational noise because social pressures result in young adults actively seeking out recreational environments or activities that have hazardous levels of noise such as bars, discos, gyms, sporting events, personal listening devices and gaming machines.

Things you can do

Grown-ups need to understand what is at stake here because children do not have the autonomy to make health decisions and young adults are likely to engage in behaviour that increases their exposure to high levels of noise.

It is not all doom and gloom, because although its irreversible, noise-induced hearing loss is entirely preventable.   Here are several practical ideas from the WHO which will reduce a child’s exposure to recreational noise.

  1. Use noise-reducing or noise-cancelling headphones or earbuds when using personal listening devices.
  2. Limit participation in sporting events, concerts, and other activities where noise levels are likely to be excessively high and wear hearing protection regardless of the duration of exposure.
  3. Utilize smart devices to measure noise exposure of venues and activities to determine if noise exceeds 80 dBA, and adjust behaviours and exposure as necessary.

If you would like to know more about safe listening for children and young people, please email us via our contact form



In this article, we used the following images from 

Girl with headphones – katie-gerrard-sSHzsuYBc9U-unsplash

Watch – luke-chesser-rCOWMC8qf8A-unsplash.jpg

London Street – abi-ismail-fzpsFoatUUo-unsplash

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Hearing Ambassadors Presentations in the community

Presentation at Eckington Probus Club

Eckington Probus Club

On Wednesday we were the invited speakers for Eckington Probus Club. Probus is an organisation for retired or semi retired Professional and Business people. The Eckington Club is in north east Derbyshire. It’s such a great club, and a wonderful venue. They meet at the Restaurant at the Renishaw every month.

We are really looking forward to forging strong links with members.

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Hearing Ambassadors Presentations in the community

Hearing Ambassadors Presentation for Bolsover Rotary

Hearing Ambassadors at Bolsover Rotary

We were delighted to make a presentation at Bolsover Rotary’s meeting.

If you would like us to give a presentation to your organisation, please email us on, and we will do our best to meet your requirements.

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